Iliac crest

Anatomy The ilium (os ilium) has several palpable bone points. One of these points is the iliac crest (syn. : iliac crest, or lat. : Crista iliaca) as the upper limit of the ilium. It ends in the anterior superior iliac spine at the front and in the posterior superior iliac spine at the back. … Iliac crest

Bone marrow puncture | Iliac crest

Bone marrow puncture A bone marrow puncture can be used for diagnostic (sample collection) as well as therapeutic (collection of stem cells for stem cell transplantation) purposes. A bone marrow puncture is indicated, for example, in cases of suspected anaemia, leukaemia or bone marrow metastases from cancer. The bone marrow collection is carried out after … Bone marrow puncture | Iliac crest


Definition The ischium (Os ischii) is a flat bone of the human pelvis. It borders on the pubic bone (Os pubis) and the ilium (Os ilium) and forms together with these the so-called hip bone (Os coxae). Together with the sacrum, this bone closes the complete pelvic ring and thus forms the basis of the … Ischium

Pelvic floor

Introduction The pelvic floor represents the connective tissue-muscular floor of the pelvic cavity in humans. It has various functions and is divided into three layers: It is used to close the pelvic outlet and to secure the position of the organs in the pelvis. – The anterior part of the pelvic floor (urogenital diaphragm), The … Pelvic floor

Diseases | Pelvic floor

Diseases The pelvic floor can slacken in old age and then no longer perform the functions described above. Due to overweight, chronic physical overloading, poor posture or operations in the small pelvis, the pelvic floor can slacken prematurely and lead to incontinence. In women, the pelvic floor can also be weakened by childbirth. This can … Diseases | Pelvic floor

Tension | Pelvic floor

Tension The targeted tensing of the pelvic floor is a task that is very difficult to perform without instruction. Although the pelvic floor consists of deliberately controllable muscles, it is very rare to consciously tense these muscles alone. Fortunately, there are exercises that can be helpful in tensing the muscles of the pelvic floor. It … Tension | Pelvic floor

Pelvic bones

General information The bony pelvis (pelvic bone) consists of the two hip bones (Os coxae), the coccyx (Os coccygis) and the sacrum (Os sacrum). It is used for the articulated connection of the spinal column with the lower extremity. In addition, the bony structure differs between the sexes due to the anatomical requirements for the … Pelvic bones

Sacrum (Os sacrum) | Pelvic bones

Sacrum (Os sacrum) The sacrum is formed by the five fused sacral vertebrae and the ossified intervertebral discs between them. The downward point (caudal) of the sacrum is called apes ossis sacri, the most prominent point at the base of the sacrum is called promontorium. The sacral canal (Canalis sacralis) represents the continuation of the … Sacrum (Os sacrum) | Pelvic bones