These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node The child is supplied with oxygen and nutrients by the mother via the vessels running in the umbilical cord. If the vessels are squeezed, an acute undersupply occurs. Especially the child’s brain reacts very sensitively to a lack of oxygen. This can lead to … These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

Cesarean section

Synonyms Incisional binding, Sectio caesaera Birth mechanical indication: These are usually birth-impossible positions such as transverse position, disproportion between head and pelvis, a child that is clearly too large (macrosomia, > 4500g) or a head that is too large. A final pelvic position of the child can also be an indication for a Caesarean section. … Cesarean section

Preventive medical checkups | Examinations during pregnancy

Preventive medical checkups At each check-up appointment the body weight is determined and the blood pressure is measured. Excessive weight gain may indicate water retention in the legs, as may occur in pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a disease in pregnancy that is associated with high blood pressure and can complicate both the pregnancy and the puerperium. … Preventive medical checkups | Examinations during pregnancy

What are exercise contractions? | Contractions

What are exercise contractions? The term “active labour” refers to the contractions of the uterus that occur during pregnancy but whose strength is not yet sufficient to induce labour. Exercising contractions occur from about the 20th week of pregnancy. Strictly speaking, the so-called Alvarez waves are not real contractions, as they do not contract the … What are exercise contractions? | Contractions

What are premature contractions? | Contractions

What are premature contractions? Premature contractions are defined as the onset of birth-inducing contractions before the completed 37th week of pregnancy. The most important difference to other forms of labor that occur naturally during pregnancy, for example, active or prostrate labor, is that preterm labor, due to its intensity, is able to induce birth. In … What are premature contractions? | Contractions

How can contractions be encouraged? | Contractions

How can contractions be encouraged? Homeopathic remedies, such as drinking special tea blends with contraction stimulating properties, can be tried to stimulate contractions. Natural laxative measures such as apricot or plum juice can also be used, as they simultaneously influence uterine contractility by stimulating intestinal activity. With all homeopathic approaches to the promotion of contractions, … How can contractions be encouraged? | Contractions

What are contractions inhibitors? | Contractions

What are contractions inhibitors? Contraceptive pills are drugs that stop the contractions or increase the time between contractions. The contractile capacity of the uterus, i.e. the muscular contraction, is thereby reduced. In technical terms, contraceptives are called tocolytics. The most commonly used contraceptive substances include beta-mimetics, but magnesium, oxytocin receptor and calcium antagonists are also … What are contractions inhibitors? | Contractions