How likely is it that fertilization will occur during ovulation and sex? | How does it come from ovulation to fertilization?

How likely is it that fertilization will occur during ovulation and sex? The average probability of fertilization depends on the time of sexual intercourse during the fertile period. The probability increases with the proximity of ovulation. The fertile time window is usually five days before and one day after ovulation. The average probability of fertilisation … How likely is it that fertilization will occur during ovulation and sex? | How does it come from ovulation to fertilization?

Sequence of insemination and pregnancy | How does it come from ovulation to fertilization?

Sequence of insemination and pregnancy Fertilisation of the egg describes the process that takes place when a mature egg and a mature sperm (spermatozoon) meet. From a purely medical point of view, this involves a union of two simple (haploid) gametes to form a diploid egg (zygote) in the ampullary part of the fallopian tube. … Sequence of insemination and pregnancy | How does it come from ovulation to fertilization?

Requirements for implantation | How does it come from ovulation to fertilization?

Requirements for implantation In order for the zygote to move from the tube (fallopian tube) to the site of its implantation in the uterus, the muscles of the tube must contract in Richutng Uterus. In addition, a uterus-directed flow of fluid and the ciliary beat occurs. During transport, the mature egg cell undergoes cell division. … Requirements for implantation | How does it come from ovulation to fertilization?

Ectopic Pregnancy

Synonyms Tubal pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, tubal gravidity, tubal graviditas tubaria In the initial part of the fallopian tube (ampullary ectopic pregnancy) In the middle section of the fallopian tubes (isthmic ectopic pregnancy) or Nest in the uterine part of the fallopian tube (interstitial ectopic pregnancy). About one in 100 pregnancies is outside the uterus. Out … Ectopic Pregnancy

Jaundice of the newborn

Synonym neonatal jaundice, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia : jaundice Definition and word origin A neonatal icterus represents the increased concentration of bilirubin, a breakdown product of the blood pigment haemoglobin, in the blood of the newborn. Jaundice occurs in more than half of all healthy newborns, and a bilirubin concentration of up to 15 mg/dl in serum … Jaundice of the newborn

Symptoms of neonatal jaundice | Jaundice of the newborn

Symptoms of neonatal jaundice The increased bilirubin content of the blood colors the skin and the white of the eye yellow. At particularly high concentrations, the fat-soluble bilirubin can penetrate nerve cells and destroy them. This initially causes sluggishness and fatigue in the newborn as well as massive muscle weakness and a reduced need to … Symptoms of neonatal jaundice | Jaundice of the newborn

Therapy of a newborn jaundice | Jaundice of the newborn

Therapy of a newborn jaundice If jaundice of a certain intensity has been detected by blood sampling, treatments are used to avoid particularly neurological late effects. In general, there are two therapeutic procedures to choose from: Phototherapy and blood exchange transfusion. Up to a certain limit value of the bilirubin concentration, phototherapy alone is sufficient. … Therapy of a newborn jaundice | Jaundice of the newborn

When will my baby be healthy again? | Jaundice of the newborn

When will my baby be healthy again? The physiological, i.e. normal, neonatal icterus usually occurs between the 3rd and 6th day of life and recedes again by the 10th day after birth. This jaundice can therefore last up to a week. One speaks of a prolonged icterus (Icterus prolongatus) if elevated bilirubin values can still … When will my baby be healthy again? | Jaundice of the newborn

Diagnosis | Umbilical Cord Knot

Diagnosis An umbilical cord knot can possibly be recognized in ultrasound in the form of a larger distension. However, it usually remains undetected during pregnancy and is only noticed when it becomes symptomatic. During pregnancy, the bending of the umbilical cord leads to a deficiency in the supply of the child, which becomes noticeable by … Diagnosis | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node The child is supplied with oxygen and nutrients by the mother via the vessels running in the umbilical cord. If the vessels are squeezed, an acute undersupply occurs. Especially the child’s brain reacts very sensitively to a lack of oxygen. This can lead to … These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot