How can contractions be induced? | Contractions

How can contractions be induced?

Various behavioural measures can help to support the onset of labour and the activity of the contractions. These include physical activities, which should not exceed a certain level of effort. As a rough guideline regarding the intensity of physical activity to trigger the contractions, it can be stated that one should always pay attention to the signals of one’s own body and take a break or even stop the activity altogether in case of fatigue.

Only exercises that are good for yourself and in which you feel comfortable are suitable. Therefore, the activities for promoting contractions can vary and be different from woman to woman. Walking, climbing stairs or light housework can trigger contractions.

Sexual intercourse can also trigger contractions via the hormones that are released during it. In addition, male sperm contains prostaglandins which, when ejaculated in the vagina of pregnant women, can indirectly trigger contractions by supporting the maturation of the cervix. If sexual intercourse is not desired, the hormone oxytocin can still be released through physical closeness and stroking, especially of the nipples, which can trigger contractions of the uterus.

When must contractions be induced?

Contractions can be induced artificially for various reasons. These can come from the mother or the unborn child. If the mother has certain pre-existing conditions or if problems with the child’s development are apparent, pain-stimulating drugs can be used to help. You can find detailed information on this topic here: Initiating contractions

What is the woe dropper?

A contraceptive drip is an infusion administered to the expectant mother via the vein and containing the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin acts on the muscles of the uterus and increases its ability to contract. In this way contractions are induced.

Oxytocin is one of the medicinal variants of birth initiation and contraction support and is used quite frequently when the cervix is mature, i.e. already soft and somewhat dilated. Since the effect usually sets in within a short time, the drip is only used on the doctor’s instructions and under careful supervision of the woman in labour. An advantage of the Woe Dropper is that the amount of oxytocin and thus the effect of the hormone can be well dosed.

One of the disadvantages is the increase in pain during labour that sometimes occurs. Therefore, women in labour often require pain-relieving medication during childbirth or even the application of epidural anaesthesia. The hormone oxytocin is also used in the so-called active conduction of postpartum. This supports the placental solution and the contractile capacity of the uterus after childbirth and prevents postnatal bleeding.