
Structure of the skin The skin (cutis), with an area of about 2 m2 and accounting for 15% of body weight, it is one of the largest organs in humans. It consists of the epidermis (upper skin) and the dermis (leather skin) underneath. The outermost layer, the epidermis, is a keratinized, multilayered squamous epithelium without … Skin

Skin itches after shaving

Causes of itchy skin after shaving If the skin itches after shaving, in most cases it is caused by a phenomenon known as “razor burn”. Razor burn (pseudofolliculitis barbae) often manifests itself through redness, irritation and itching of the affected skin areas. Most affected persons also report the additional appearance of small reddish shaving spots … Skin itches after shaving

Skin itches

The skin (lat. Cutis) covers the entire body and is therefore considered the largest organ in anatomy as well as in medicine. The skin can be divided anatomically into three large layers, of which the so-called epidermis is the outermost. Towards the inside of the body, the epidermis is followed by the dermis (dermis or … Skin itches

Skin itches after showering

Introduction Many people know the problem: The skin itches after showering. Reddening and/or scaling of the skin does not necessarily have to occur. The causes for itching of the skin after showering can be manifold and the treatment depends, as so often, on the cause. In the following, the most common causes and their treatment … Skin itches after showering

The treatment of itchy skin after showering | Skin itches after showering

The treatment of itchy skin after showering The skin is called the largest organ of the human body and has to fulfill a number of extensive tasks. As an enveloping or protective organ, the skin has a major task to fulfil. It is capable of effectively absorbing mechanical as well as chemical and/or thermal damage, … The treatment of itchy skin after showering | Skin itches after showering