Common viper bite in humans

Introduction A crossed viper is a poisonous snake, which occurs in Germany as well as other countries in Europe and Asia. Normally the snakes are very shy, so a bite is very rare. Usually only snake keepers are affected by a bite, who were careless for a short time when handling their animals. An adder … Common viper bite in humans

Obesity: No. 1 of the Deadly Quartet

The four killers of the “Deadly Quartet,” high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, elevated blood sugar, and abdominal obesity, cost the lives of more people every year, yet the latter in particular – the troublesome and, in addition, dangerous belly fat – can be brought under control with relatively little effort. Abundant belly fat endangers … Obesity: No. 1 of the Deadly Quartet

The Pneumococcal Vaccination

Every year, numerous deaths are recorded worldwide as a result of pneumococcal infections. More than half of those affected are children under the age of five. Children of this age are particularly at risk because their immune systems are not yet fully developed. However, pneumococcal infections are also often fatal for people over 60 years … The Pneumococcal Vaccination