What should I consider when buying creatine supplements? | The intake of creatine for muscle building

What should I consider when buying creatine supplements?

Creatine is produced synthetically and as a food supplement is subject to fewer guidelines than, for example, pharmaceuticals. It is therefore important to ensure that the creatine product is 100% pure, i.e. that it does not contain any impurities from other substances. In the case of creatine, it is therefore particularly worthwhile to pay attention to the origin of the product.

Products manufactured in Germany are subject to higher standards than products that come from China, for example, or from other countries overseas. These can be contaminated with chemicals that are harmful to health or even anabolic substances, i.e. hormones, which poses a considerable risk, especially for competitive athletes, as these can be detected in doping tests. It is therefore advisable not to look for a low price, but for a trustworthy manufacturer, ideally from Germany. The decision whether to buy the creatine in powder form or as tablets depends on the individual taste and has no influence on the quality of the product. Many manufacturers offer both variants in their product range.

Evaluation – Is the intake of creatine useful for muscle building?

The difference between creatine and most other sports supplements is that creatine does not directly increase muscle protein, as is the case with protein shakes or amino acid supplements. Rather, creatine ensures a longer and stronger endurance of the muscles by being responsible for a fast energy supply in the body; it therefore has an indirect influence on muscle building. Furthermore, it should be said that the study situation regarding the benefits of creatine is very opaque and ambivalent.

While medical studies doubt the benefits of creatine, studies on strength sports suggest that creatine has a clear benefit in muscle building. The truth will probably lie somewhere in between. Since no long-term damage caused by creatine consumption is known to date, and since creatine is rather cheap to purchase compared to other food supplements, we can make a limited recommendation at this point. However, whether one is prepared to spend the necessary money on an effect that cannot be clearly proven from a medical point of view is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves.

Creatine in children and adolescents

Many experts and opponents of creatine are strictly against the use of the supplement in children and adolescents. On the other hand, so far no study has been able to prove a harmful effect on young people. In the past, there have even been positive results when used in pediatrics.

For example, creatine was administered to children with deficits in the body’s own creatine production or with muscular disorders (e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy). However, since special care and caution is always required for the sensitive growing organisms, creatine should only be used for muscle building in the following cases If these eight points are observed, there is nothing to prevent creatine from being used to build muscle for young athletes. – after puberty

  • Only with serious, competition-oriented training
  • In addition, a balanced diet adapted to the physical strain and muscle build-up
  • The athlete and his/her parents should be aware of possible risks
  • Consent of the parents
  • Supervision and control by parents, trainers or sports physicians
  • Use only quality products
  • Observe the recommended maximum dose.