Permanent dentition | Dentition

Permanent dentition At the age of 6 years the first permanent molar breaks through. Since it appears behind the last milk tooth, it is still considered by many as a milk tooth, because no milk tooth falls out. This cheek tooth, which is also called 6-year molar because of its appearance, is the first tooth … Permanent dentition | Dentition

What should I do if the crown is broken or has fallen out? | Crown for an incisor

What should I do if the crown is broken or has fallen out? If the incisor crown has broken off or fallen out, you can see the small tooth stump that is left of your own tooth. Most people find this very unpleasant. Furthermore, the tooth is then not protected from external stimuli. It is … What should I do if the crown is broken or has fallen out? | Crown for an incisor

Crown for an incisor

Introduction An incisor crown is understood to be, on the one hand, the natural tooth crown that protrudes into the oral cavity and, on the other hand, the crown artificially made by the dentist, which functions as a dental prosthesis. The tooth must be ground before the artificial crown is made on a model. The … Crown for an incisor

Diagnosis | Inflammation under a dental prosthesis

Diagnosis The dentist makes the diagnosis by looking into the mouth. If the pressure point is already pronounced, the area is reddened and swollen. For further clarification, the dentist palpates the surrounding area and looks how far the pain radiates. If no redness is visible, the dentist has various impression materials at his disposal with … Diagnosis | Inflammation under a dental prosthesis

Duration/Prediction | Inflammation under a dental prosthesis

Duration/Prediction The duration of this inflammation caused by a pressure sore is about 3-5 days with adequate treatment. After treatment at the dentist, the pain often persists for one or two days and then gradually subsides. The prognosis is therefore very good, as long as the pain is not caused by a tumor. Sometimes, however, … Duration/Prediction | Inflammation under a dental prosthesis