Combined dentures | Dental prosthesis

Combined dentures

A combined denture is a mixture of fixed and removable dentures. The fixed part can consist of crowns, bridges, so-called telescopes and/or bars. Nowadays it is also not uncommon to attach the denture to implant pins. A particularly good hold in the oral cavity and the reduction of the additional load on the remaining remaining teeth are among the advantages of such a combined denture.

Dentures with push button

The term push button stands for mini implants, which are shorter than conventional implants. They are drilled into the upper jaw and as a counterpart locators are incorporated into the prosthesis into which the mini implants snap. The principle is like a push button. However, 6 mini implants in the upper jaw are also necessary to create freedom of the palate.

What to do if the denture is loose?

If the prosthesis swings or does not hold properly, the origin of the problem must be determined. Those affected must visit the dental practice for this purpose, self-treatment is not possible. There are many reasons for the prosthesis to swing and they can be serious.

Even not wearing the prosthesis can lead to a bad fit or even the denture not fitting after a few days.Sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain can also affect the hold of the prosthesis. It is also possible that mucous membrane or bone changes of any kind can adversely affect the hold and fit of the prosthesis. In order to find out about and treat the various causes, which can also include malignant diseases such as tumors, the dentist should be consulted. If the prosthesis still does not fit after medical clarification and treatment, for example with a relining, the patient has the possibility to fix the prosthesis with adhesive cream or to create artificial holding elements with an implantation, which are connected with high costs.

What to do if the denture hurts?

Pain caused by a dental prosthesis occurs mainly as soon as it is new and first settles down. Pressure points develop on the soft tissues, which are displaced by the new prosthesis. In this case the affected person has to go to the dentist’s office so that the denture can be grinded free at the pressure points.

If pain occurs even though the prosthesis is several years old, the dentist must definitely be consulted, as a bone or mucous membrane change may have formed, causing a pressure point. These changes can be quite malignant and should be examined by a dentist as soon as possible so that a tissue sample can be taken for examination if necessary. It is advisable to visit the dentist in case of any form of pain caused by the prosthesis to find the cause as soon as possible. If the prosthesis is not worn for a longer period of time due to the pain, soft tissue and bone can form so that the prosthesis no longer fits.