Treatment options for gingivitis | Gingivitis: Gum Inflammation

Treatment options for gingivitis Many household remedies and medicines freely available in the pharmacy do not help very fast in most cases. It often takes a certain time until the inflammation heals. However, if there is acute pain, one always hopes for quick help. The dentist can provide this. In the practice, special ointments are … Treatment options for gingivitis | Gingivitis: Gum Inflammation

Dental floss

Introduction Regular and adequate oral hygiene forms the basis of dental and oral health. Deposits in the form of plaque (soft plaque) or tartar (hard plaque) can sooner or later have an extremely bad influence on the tooth substance, gums and jawbone. Plaque generally forms a tough bio-film that consists of waste products of bacterial … Dental floss

Floss Sticks | Dental floss

Floss Sticks To clean the interdental spaces (interdental spaces) a cleaning stick can be used in addition to the usual dental floss. These sticks consist of a handle with a piece of dental floss about two to 5 cm long already clamped. These interdental space cleaning aids offer the advantage that many patients prefer them … Floss Sticks | Dental floss

Production time of a bite splint | How long should one wear a bite splint?

Production time of a bite splint The production time of a bite splint depends on the used plastic. All methods have the same impression taking at the beginning. This can be done with the material alginate (duration 10 minutes, costs low) or digitally with a camera (duration 10 seconds, costs high!). These impressions are poured … Production time of a bite splint | How long should one wear a bite splint?

Alveolitis sicca

Introduction Alveolitis sicca or dry alveolus is a post-operative complication following tooth removal. In English it is called dry socket. It often occurs in the posterior region Anatomical background Each tooth is attached to the bone in an alveolus, a tooth socket of the jaw process, with fibers. After extraction, i.e. the removal of the … Alveolitis sicca