Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Definition Increased body and facial hair in women corresponding to the male hair type due to androgen-induced conversion of vellus hair to terminal hair. Symptoms Excessive and altered hair growth (thick and pigmented) on the face, chest, abdomen, legs, buttocks, and back Acne Deeper voice Increased muscle mass Decrease in breast size Androgenetic alopecia Views … Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Rash after Shaving

Symptoms In a mild course, there is a burning sensation (razor burn), redness, itching, and a rash after shaving that disappears within a few hours or a few days. A chronic and severe course, such as pseudofolliculitis barbae, manifests as an inflammatory reaction with papules and pustules, ingrown hairs, and even complications such as hyperpigmentation, … Rash after Shaving