Desensitization: When it helps

What is hyposensitization? Hyposensitization is also called allergen immunotherapy (AIT), desensitization or specific immunotherapy (SIT). More rarely, the term “allergy vaccination” is used. The name of the therapy is also derived from this mode of action: “hypo” stands for “less”, and “sensitization” for the development of a defense reaction of the immune system against a … Desensitization: When it helps

Pollen allergy

Definition A pollen allergy is the hypersensitive reaction to components of different plant pollen. The pollen allergy is popularly called “hay fever“, in technical terms it is called “allergic rhinitis”. In most cases, the disease begins in early childhood and usually accompanies those affected throughout their lives. It is assumed that the rate of illness … Pollen allergy

Duration of a pollen allergy | Pollen allergy

Duration of a pollen allergy The duration of the allergy is unlimited. Many affected persons suffer from the pollen allergy for life. However, since different pollen are only present in the air at certain months of the year, the duration of the symptoms varies greatly. The pollen flight generally lasts from January to September. However, … Duration of a pollen allergy | Pollen allergy

Prognosis/Duration | Mite allergy

Prognosis/Duration Once a house dust mite allergy exists, it will remain for the rest of your life without treatment. It is possible, however, that it only develops in adulthood. Depending on which treatment options are used, the symptoms can be alleviated or even completely eliminated by desensitization. However, it can take several years before this … Prognosis/Duration | Mite allergy

Mould allergy

Definition A mold allergy is an allergic reaction of the body to molds that occur naturally in the ambient air and are caused by impurities with different reactions. Occurrence Molds are everywhere in the environment. In households as well as in the open nature. Molds need basically three factors to grow: These organic additives can … Mould allergy

Symptoms | Mould allergy

Symptoms The first symptoms after inhalation of mold spores with beginning allergy can be a simple insignificant light scratching in the throat, which is not further noticed by the patients. In the further course it can come then to tearing of the eyes and running of the nose. The initially slight scratching in the throat … Symptoms | Mould allergy

Diagnosis | Mould allergy

Diagnosis It is very difficult to diagnose an allergy to mold. The diagnosis of the actual allergy is easy, since the symptoms with watery eyes, runny nose, skin itching and possibly difficult breathing are typical for this body reaction. But what ultimately causes this allergy must first be tried to find out by a detailed … Diagnosis | Mould allergy

Therapy | Mould allergy

Therapy The best and most sustainable therapy is to avoid contact with the allergen. With molds, this succeeds, similar to house dust rather less, because molds are present everywhere in the environment. However, some precautions and precautionary measures can still be taken. These include regular cleaning of refrigerators and upholstered furniture and frequent ventilation of … Therapy | Mould allergy