The diagnosis | Diarrhea caused by magnesium

The diagnosis Whether the diarrhea is caused by an increased magnesium concentration can be determined by simple laboratory tests. By taking a blood sample it can be checked how high the magnesium content in the blood actually is. An increased supply of magnesium also increases the concentration in the blood. This can be clearly shown … The diagnosis | Diarrhea caused by magnesium

Yellow Gentian: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Physical ailments can be relieved not only by chemical medicines. Herbal remedies also help to alleviate pain or other disorders. Yellow gentian exhibits different effects in this regard. Used properly, it can be seen as a substitute for tablets or other medications. However, in certain situations, caution is advised when using yellow gentian. Occurrence and … Yellow Gentian: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Cinnamon Cassia: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The cinnamon cassia is an evergreen tree of the laurel family, from whose dried bark the cassia cinnamon is obtained. Originally from southern China, cinnamon cassia differs in taste and ingredients from true cinnamon, also called Ceylon cinnamon, which also belongs to the laurel family. The cassia cinnamon develops a characteristic sweet-pungent flavor and is … Cinnamon Cassia: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Benedicte Herb: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Benedicte herb belongs to the daisy family. As the most important ingredients are found in particular bitter substances, flavonoids, triterpne, essential oils and very many minerals such as potassium and magnesium. In medicine, the contained plant active substances are used as cholagogue and amarum. Occurrence and cultivation of the Benedicte herb. The relatively odorless and … Benedicte Herb: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Small Toadflax: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Small toadflax (Chaenorhinum minus) is a medicinal plant rarely used today, belonging to the plantain family. As an inconspicuous plant, it is found in Central Europe in fields, roadsides or gravel pits. Mostly it reproduces by self-pollination. Occurrence and cultivation of the lesser toadflax. According to recent genetic studies, the small toadflax could be assigned … Small Toadflax: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The black diarrhea in babies | The black diarrhea

The black diarrhea in babies Babies still have a shorter intestinal passage and less stool volume, so an amount of dye ingested with food is more important. A discoloration of the stool can therefore occur more quickly. It should also be noted that babies naturally have more frequent bowel movements, and the definition of diarrhea … The black diarrhea in babies | The black diarrhea

The gastrointestinal bleeding as cause | The black diarrhea

The gastrointestinal bleeding as cause Black diarrhea can be caused by bleeding in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The location of the bleeding is most likely to be in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, because the blood coagulates on its way through the gastrointestinal tract and then causes the black coloration … The gastrointestinal bleeding as cause | The black diarrhea

Which black diarrhea needs treatment? | The black diarrhea

Which black diarrhea needs treatment? Diarrhea, regardless of color, can have many different causes and not all of them need treatment. In principle, diarrhea should be treated if it lasts longer than three days or if it causes serious additional symptoms due to the loss of fluid and electrolytes. Such symptoms may include dizziness and … Which black diarrhea needs treatment? | The black diarrhea