
Synonym: DigitusThe hand has a total of five fingers (Digiti), of which the thumb (Pollex) is the first. It is followed by the index finger (index) and the middle finger (digitus medius), which is also the longest of all fingers. The fourth finger is called the ring finger (digitus anularius), followed by the so-called little … Finger

Finger middle and end joints | Finger

Finger middle and end joints The finger middle and end joints (Articulationes interphalangeales) connect the individual phalanges. They are hinge joints, both anatomically and functionally. Movements in one plane (flexion and extension) are therefore possible. These finger joints are also surrounded by a very taut capsule reinforced by a tendon plate. All fingers, with the … Finger middle and end joints | Finger

Anatomy of the toe

The toes (lat. : digitus pedis) are the terminal limbs of the human foot. Normally a human being has five toes on each foot, which are systematically numbered from the inside out in the anatomy with Roman numbers from one to five. The big toe is therefore called digitus pedis I or also called hallux, … Anatomy of the toe

Innervation | Anatomy of the toe

Innervation In order for these muscle groups to tense up and move their toes, they require electrical signals (commands) from nerves in the spinal cord. Two nerves, the tibial nerve and the fibular nerve, are particularly important in this respect. The toe flexor muscles, the muscles responsible for spreading the toes and the muscle groups … Innervation | Anatomy of the toe