Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair loss represents a problem that is perceived by the affected persons themselves as very disturbing. The feel limited in their quality of life and suffer from this situation. Hair loss is when a person loses more than 80-100 hairs a day. The problem is present in all age groups and social classes. However, if … Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Forget-me-not: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Forget-me-not is one of the well-known garden plants. It can also be used as a medicinal plant. Occurrence and cultivation of the forget-me-not. Unfortunately, the forget-me-not is largely ignored in modern times from a medical point of view. Yet it has various beneficial effects for health. The forget-me-not (Myosotis) is a genus of plants that … Forget-me-not: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Deer Tongue Fern: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Deer’s tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium L), or deer’s tongue for short, sometimes just called tongue, belongs to the striped fern family. Unlike other fern species, with their single or multiple pinnate fronds, the fern is notable for its smooth, long leaves. Certain ornamental species exist with strongly wavy leaf edges. Occurrence and cultivation of the … Deer Tongue Fern: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits