
Symptoms Burnout is a state of vital, psychological, cognitive and physical exhaustion. The syndrome manifests itself in: Exhaustion (leading symptom). Alienation from work, Reduced commitment, Cynical attitude, Dissatisfaction, Inefficiency. Emotional problems: Depression, irritability, aggression. Low motivation Psychosomatic complaints: Fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, nausea. Despair, helplessness, declining performance. Flat emotional life, social restriction, despair. … Burnout


Symptoms Acute stress manifests itself in the following physiological reactions of the organism, among others: Increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Increased blood flow and energy supply to skeletal muscles. Fast breathing Decreased activity of the intestine and urogenital tract. Reduced sex drive General activation, tension Pupil dilation Complications Unlike acute and positively experienced … Stress