
Vertigo is a symptom that is based on a disorder of various sensory organs that are responsible for balance and orientation in space. The extremely unpleasant feeling arises that you or your surroundings are turning or swaying back and forth. Dizziness is a very common symptom and can occur without any disease value, but also … Vertigo

Cause | Vertigo

Cause The causes for the occurrence of dizziness are numerous. Frequently, the dizziness has harmless causes. In some cases, dizziness is even normal, such as on a boat trip or when sitting in a car or in an airplane, because of an unusual irritation and short-term irritation of the sensory organs that is unknown to … Cause | Vertigo

Diagnosis | Vertigo

Diagnosis To make a diagnosis, a detailed anamnesis is necessary, i.e. a detailed questioning of the person concerned about underlying diseases and current complaints. In the case of dizziness, the patient should be asked in particular what type of vertigo is involved (vertigo of rotation or swindle), when exactly the dizziness occurs, how long the … Diagnosis | Vertigo

Prognosis | Vertigo

Prognosis As a rule, dizziness can be treated with drug and physiotherapeutic procedures, so the prognosis is usually good. However, if the dizziness is caused by psychological factors, it can lead to prolonged processes that require additional psychotherapeutic treatment. Prophylaxis Preventing dizziness is difficult. It can be tried to train the sense of balance with … Prognosis | Vertigo