Hypoglycaemia Factitia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypoglycaemia factitia is hypoglycemia with characteristic symptoms that is brought on by the patient with full intention. Most often, affected individuals are those with Munchausen syndrome. In addition to symptomatic treatment of hypoglycemia, causal therapeutic treatment must be given to protect patients from themselves. What is hypoglycaemia factitia? In hypoglycemia, the blood glucose concentration in … Hypoglycaemia Factitia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Asthenopia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Asthenopia is a visual discomfort, which is caused by overexertion of the eyes due to internal and external influences. This so-called eye fatigue is not yet a disease, but if it persists, it can lead to eye disease in the long term. Preventive measures are important to prevent asthenopia. What is asthenopia? Asthenopia often occurs … Asthenopia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Botulism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Botulism is a notifiable, life-threatening poisoning caused by a potent neurotoxin. Botulism is also known colloquially as meat poisoning or sausage poisoning. What is botulism? Botulism is the technical word for poisoning caused by the metabolic product of the bacterium Clostridium (Cl.) botulinum,. This is the most potent neurotoxin known to us. The disease is … Botulism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Obliquus Superior Myokymia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Obliquus superior myokymia is an eye tremor that is very rare in this form. Therefore, it is often not recognized diagnostically. The symptoms are felt very intensely by those affected, although the prognosis of the disease is usually favorable. What is obliquus superior myokymia? Obliquus superior myokymia represents an extremely rare ocular condition in which … Obliquus Superior Myokymia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Operation of a ptosis

Introduction If there is a pronounced age-related or congenital ptosis, surgery on the affected eyelid is indicated. However, if the ptosis is caused by paralysis or muscle weakness, surgery should usually not be performed. Alternatively, in these cases, bar glasses can be fitted to pull the upper eyelid upwards. The operation is performed under local … Operation of a ptosis

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Congenital myasthenic syndrome is genetic and belongs to the group of myasthenic syndromes. It is characterized by a disturbance in signal transmission between nerve and muscle cells. The symptoms of this group of disorders vary greatly in severity. In some patients, the particular phenotype of limb-girdle myasthenia is observed. What is congenital myasthenic syndrome? Congenital … Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment