Urethritis (Urethra Inflammation): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

  • Bacterial urethritis, unspecified.
  • Mycotic urethritis – caused by a fungal infection.
  • Protozoal urethritis – caused by parasites (e.g. trichomonad urethritis).
  • Viral urethritis

Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)

  • Reactive arthritis (synonym: postinfectious arthritis/joint inflammation) – secondary disease after gastrointestinal (affecting the gastrointestinal tract), urogenital (affecting the urinary and genital organs), or pulmonary (affecting the lungs) infections; refers to arthritis in which pathogens are not (usually) found in the joint (sterile synovitis).
  • Reiter’s disease (synonyms: Reiter’s syndrome; Reiter’s disease; arthritis dysenterica; polyarthritis enterica; postenteritic arthritis; posturethritic arthritis; undifferentiated oligoarthritis; urethro-oculo-synovial syndrome; Fiessinger-Leroy syndrome; English Sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA)) – special form of a “reactive arthritis” (see above. ); secondary disease after gastrointestinal or urogenital infections, characterized by the symptoms of Reiter’s triad; seronegative spondyloarthropathy, which is triggered especially in HLA-B27 positive persons by an intestinal or urinary tract disease with bacteria (mostly chlamydia); Can manifest as arthritis (joint inflammation), conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis), urethritis (urethritis) and partly with typical skin changes.

Genitourinary system (kidneys, urinary tract – sex organs) (N00-N99).

  • Abacterial urethritis
  • Allergic urethritis
  • Bacterial urethritis, unspecified
  • Viral urethritis