Accidents with the child

General information Injuries caused by accidents and traumas are the most common cause of death among children (childhood emergencies) in Germany. There are about 2 million accidents involving children in Germany every year. 24. 000 inpatient hospital stays make this necessary, with 650 children on average any help comes too late. Causes The main causes … Accidents with the child

Burns in children

General information Burns and scalds are among the most common causes of emergency situations in pediatrics. Scalds account for 85% of thermal injuries in children. Mostly it is small children who independently pull hot water (pasta water, etc.) from the table and get scalded. Scalding only injures superficial layers of the skin. However, hot water … Burns in children

Hypoglycemia in the child

General information Only very severe hypoglycaemia causes the children (childhood emergency) to lose consciousness as described above. In most cases, a lowering of blood sugar levels is noticeable in dizziness, cold sweat, concentration problems, headaches, restlessness, trembling and disorientation. Important here is the quick blood glucose test, which can be made within a few seconds … Hypoglycemia in the child


Scalding Scaldings occur relatively frequently in domestic surroundings. They usually occur during kitchen work and here above all when hot or even boiling water is poured out (e.g. spilled pasta water etc.). A distinction is made between scalding by hot water and by steam. The latter can cause severe injuries to the skin, as steam … Scalding

Ointments against scalding | Scalding

Ointments against scalding In addition to cooling, cooling or pain-relieving ointments are often used for scalds. However, their use is not entirely uncontroversial. In most cases, fresh scalding should be treated dry. Simple wound dressings should be loosely applied for this purpose. Applying ointment to scalded skin is counterproductive here and should be avoided at … Ointments against scalding | Scalding