What is dysentery (shigellosis)?

Brief overview Description: Contagious diarrheal disease caused by infection with bacteria (shigella). Causes: Infection with bacteria transmitted by ill persons directly through contaminated hands or indirectly through contaminated food, drinking and bathing water, or objects Symptoms: Diarrhea (watery to bloody), abdominal cramps, fever and vomiting are common. Diagnosis: Discussion with the physician, physical examination (e.g., … What is dysentery (shigellosis)?

Dysentery: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysentery is an inflammation of the intestines that often causes severe diarrhea, stomach pain, and vomiting. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection, but can also be caused by viral and parasitic infestations. What is dysentery? Dysentery is an inflammatory disease of the intestine, more specifically the colon. It causes severe diarrhea containing blood … Dysentery: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trichomonas Intestinalis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Trichomonas intestinalis represents a protozoan that belongs to the trichonomad group. As a resident of the small intestine, it feeds as a commensal. Trichomonas intestinalis is thought to be responsible for a form of dysentery. What is Trichomonas intestinalis? The importance of Trichomonas intestinalis to health is not yet clear. It is a protozoan and … Trichomonas Intestinalis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases