Vocal fold carcinoma


Carcinoma of the vocal cords, glottis carcinoma, cancer of the vocal folds

Occurrence and risk factors

The vocal fold carcinoma is a malignant cancer (tumor), which is located in the vocal fold area of the larynx. Thus it belongs to the group of cancer of the larynx (laryngeal carcinoma). This type of cancer is most frequently found in men over the age of 70.

The most important risk factor for the development of a vocal fold carcinoma is cigarette abuse of many years. The nicotine and other harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke have a destructive effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx. It is assumed that people who smoke at least 20 cigarettes a day have a 6% higher risk of vocal fold carcinoma than the normal population. Beyond that there is however still a large number of further factors of risk: Among the preliminary stages of a vocal fold cancer rank certain forms of a larynx inflammation (chronic hyperplastic Larnygitis), Leukoplakie and Larynxpapillomae, but not the benign vocal fold polyps, – cysts or – nodules.

  • Noxae such as asbestos (in the case of asbestos exposure at the workplace, laryngeal carcinoma is considered a recognized occupational disease), benzene, chromates, nickel, aromatic hydrocarbons, soot, tar, cement dust or textile dust, sulfuric acid, gasoline or diesel fumes;
  • A gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) that persists over a long period of time and manifests itself as heartburn;
  • Ionizing radiation, provided that it was very intensive (for example, when irradiating this area as part of a tumor therapy) or over a very long period of time.

Classification of vocal fold carcinoma

Like most solid tumors, vocal fold carcinoma is also described using the UICC classification, where T stands for tumor and the higher the stage, the worse the prognosis: This classification is important for selecting an appropriate therapy.

  • A T1 tumor is restricted to the vocal folds,
  • A T2 tumor is spread upwards (supraglottis) and/or downwards (subglottis) and is accompanied by restricted vocal fold mobility,
  • A T3 tumor is even more extensive, but still limited to the larynx, the vocal folds are completely immobile here,
  • In a T4 tumor, the thyroid cartilage and other organs except the larynx are also affected.