What is the PSA level after prostate removal? | PSA levels in prostate cancer

What is the PSA level after prostate removal? After a prostatectomy, i.e. the surgical removal of the prostate, the PSA value is measured at regular intervals. It should fall below the detection limit within 4-6 weeks, since ideally there is no tissue left that could produce PSA. If this is not the case or if … What is the PSA level after prostate removal? | PSA levels in prostate cancer

PSA levels in prostate cancer

Importance of PSA levels in prostate cancer Prostate carcinoma is the most common carcinoma in men in Germany. Every eighth man is diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, which makes it comparable in frequency to breast cancer in women. Since it comes only late to symptoms a precaution is very important for early detection. … PSA levels in prostate cancer

What is the skin cancer screening procedure? | Melanoma and Carcinoma Screening

What is the skin cancer screening procedure? Schedule about 10 to 15 minutes for skin cancer screening. First your doctor will discuss the questionnaire with you and ask about risk factors. He will answer your questions and give you tips on how to protect yourself against skin cancer. He will then use a wooden spatula … What is the skin cancer screening procedure? | Melanoma and Carcinoma Screening

Oral Health for Cancer Prevention

Healthy starts in the mouth. This catchy slogan is particularly true for the prevention of cancers of the oral cavity, jaw and throat. Cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx rank seventh among malignant tumors in men and fifteenth among women in Germany. Who is affected? In Germany, about 7,600 men and 2,800 women are … Oral Health for Cancer Prevention

Small intestine cancer

Introduction The human intestine is about 5 meters long and is divided into several sections. Each section has a different task. The small intestine, which is called intestine tenue in Latin, is further divided into 3 sections, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. It is the longest part of the human intestine and is mainly responsible … Small intestine cancer

What are the chances of recovery after surgery? | What are the chances of cure for prostate cancer?

What are the chances of recovery after surgery? Often, the prostate is removed with an operation and thus usually all the cancer is removed from the body. Therefore the chances of recovery after surgery are very good. After such an operation, the possible presence of cancerous tissue in the body is examined by means of … What are the chances of recovery after surgery? | What are the chances of cure for prostate cancer?