
Effects Cholagoga are choleretic, digestive and flatulent. Indications Indigestion, bloating, nausea, flatulence, feeling of pressure in the stomach. Dosage Take 15-30 minutes before meals. Active ingredients Medicinal drugs containing essential oils, bitter and pungent substances, such as: Elecampane Artichoke Bishop’s weed Boldo Earth smoke Javanese turmeric Cat’s paw Lavender Dandelion Milk Thistle Melissa Butterbur Peppermint … Cholagoga


Products Expectorants are commercially available in the form of cough syrups, drops, tablets, powders, granules, pastilles, and lozenges, among others. Structure and properties Natural (herbal), semisynthetic, and synthetic agents are used. Effects Expectorants liquefy and loosen tough mucus in the respiratory tract and promote expectoration. Mucolytic: liquefy bronchial mucus. Secretolytic: promotes production of a thin … Expectorant

Flatulence: Causes, Treatment & Help

Flatulence or flatulence (colloquially also: fart or fart) is conceptually a derivative from the Latin of flatus “wind, flatulence” and refers to the gases formed by digestion, such as carbon monoxide, methane and other fermentation and putrefactive gases. As a false friend Umgsangsprachleich furthermore a form of flatulence is called, with which stool escapes unintentionally … Flatulence: Causes, Treatment & Help

White Horsetail: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

White Germer is a highly poisonous plant, which is especially common in the regions of the high mountains. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates treated the accompanying symptoms of cholera (diarrhea, vomiting) with low doses of white tansy from the root of the plant. Some of his contemporaries and descendants valued White Germer rather as an … White Horsetail: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits