Coronavirus Crisis: What to Do When I Need an Emergency Doctor?

When should I call 911 and when should I call the on-call medical service? The emergency number 112 is reserved for emergencies. As a general rule, you should only dial 112 if one or more people are in distress and time is short. This is the case, for example, in the event of chest pain, … Coronavirus Crisis: What to Do When I Need an Emergency Doctor?

Diving Sickness: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diver’s disease or decompression sickness has been the downfall of many divers in the past because its causes were not sufficiently researched and known. With the knowledge that exists today and highly modern technology, diver’s sickness can be defeated and prevented. What is diver’s disease? The colloquial term diver’s disease is used for a health … Diving Sickness: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heel Spur: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The heel spur is a persistent and, in the vast majority of cases, burdensome disease that, also like hallux valgus (bunion), contributes to more or less severe restrictions on walking and affects more and more people. Because of the painfulness and the impairment of the functionality of the foot, the heel spur forces patients to … Heel Spur: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Scar: Causes, Treatment & Help

A scar is a visual legacy of a wound healing. Most scars occur in connection with accidents and injuries. Especially falls and cuts can be the cause of large scars. Depending on how well the wound is disinfected, the higher the chance of not keeping larger scars. What is a scar? A scar is an … Scar: Causes, Treatment & Help

Karsch-Neugebauer Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Symptomatic of Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome are primarily deformities of the hands and feet. Further, uncontrollable eye tremor and severe strabismus are typical. All therapeutic options are primarily based on the symptoms and treatment begins immediately after birth. What is Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome? Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome is a very rare inherited disorder. It was first described by an ophthalmologist … Karsch-Neugebauer Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type Sheffield: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chondrodysplasia punctata type Sheffield represents a genetically determined form of skeletal dysplasia. It is characterized by calcifications of the feet and hands and facial abnormalities. It is a mild disease of the chondrodysplasia type. What is chondrodysplasia punctata type Sheffield? Chondrodysplasia punctata type Sheffield is one of the chondrodysplasias characterized by changes in cartilage tissue. … Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type Sheffield: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment