
Products Cinnamon is commercially available, among other things, as a spice, as a medicinal drug, tea and in the form of capsules as a dietary supplement. It is found in remedies for digestion such as Carmol, Klosterfrau Melissengeist and in Zeller Balsam. Cinnamon is also a component of traditional pharmaceutical preparations such as aromatic tincture … Cinnamon


Products Whole and powdered cloves and the clove oil are available in pharmacies and drugstores. The preparations are also included in some medicines, such as a gel for teething children, rheumatism ointments and mouthwash. Stem plant The clove tree from the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) is an evergreen tree native to the Moluccas in Indonesia and … Cloves


Products Disinfectants are commercially available in the form of sprays, as solutions, gels, soaps and as soaked swabs, among others. A distinction can be made between products intended for use on humans (skin, mucous membranes) and those intended for objects and surfaces. In addition to medical devices, medicinal products are also approved. These include, for … Disinfectant

Rosemary: the “Dew of the Sea”

Already in ancient times, the aromatic fragrant rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) was used in the Mediterranean region. It was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite and symbolized love and beauty. The name of rosemary is derived from the Latin “ros marinus” and means “dew of the sea”. Through Charlemagne, this herb reached Germany in the Middle Ages … Rosemary: the “Dew of the Sea”