Grease bag

Definition Gruetzbeutel is a general term used in the vernacular to describe a sebaceous gland cyst. The type of sebaceous gland cyst is not described in detail by the term groats bag. In medical terminology, groat sacs are also called atheroma. There are so-called epidermoid cysts and trichilemmal cysts, which differ in their localization and … Grease bag

What to do if the groats bag is infected? | Grease bag

What to do if the groats bag is infected? Grease bags usually do not cause any complaints. However, from a cosmetic point of view, the symptomless tumors are a problem for many of those affected. Grützbeutel can however become bacterially infected and then hurt very much. A further indication of infection is a strong reddening … What to do if the groats bag is infected? | Grease bag

Coccyx abscess

A coccyx abscess usually develops on the basis of a so-called coccyx fistula. This is a chronic inflammation of the gluteal fold, which leads to the development of fistula ducts due to hair growing inwards. Constant pressure, e.g. from long car journeys, and the immigration of germs can trigger a bacterial inflammation in this area. … Coccyx abscess

Diagnosis | Coccyx abscess

Diagnosis The diagnosis is usually made by the doctor through the clinical appearance. The abscess presents with pain when sitting and under pressure, the surrounding skin is reddened and swollen. Often ingrown hairs are visible. When pressure is applied to the abscess, a hardening can be felt. Sometimes a fistula exit to the skin is … Diagnosis | Coccyx abscess