Patella tendon rupture

A tear (rupture) of the tendon between the lower pole of the kneecap (patella) and the tibial tuberosity (Tuberositas tibiae) is called a patella tendon rupture. The tendon can rupture due to various force effects. The patellar tendon rupture is a rare injury, but its faulty or incorrect treatment could lead to permanent damage or … Patella tendon rupture

Follow-up treatment and prognosis | Patella tendon rupture

Follow-up treatment and prognosis After every surgical treatment of a patellar tendon rupture, it is necessary to immobilize the knee joint. Tendon tissue is not well supplied with blood, which makes a long healing phase necessary. Immobilization can be achieved, for example, with the help of an extension orthosis or a thigh tutor splint. An … Follow-up treatment and prognosis | Patella tendon rupture