Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

People who suffer from prosopagnosia are unable to recognize a person they know personally by their face. In German, this condition is also called face blindness. What is face blindness? There are several different forms of prosopagnosia: apperceptive, associative, and congenital. The congenital form is congenital face blindness. Most affected people are not even aware … Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Face Blindness

What is face blindness? Face blindness, known in medicine as prosopagnosia, describes the inability to recognize familiar faces. Thus, friends, acquaintances and even family members are not recognized by facial features, as is usually the case, but by other characteristics such as voice, hairstyle, movements and so on. In most cases, face blindness is congenital. … Face Blindness

Associated symptoms | Face Blindness

Associated symptoms If face blindness exists from birth, as is the case with most people, the handicap is usually not noticeable at all, as they do not show any real symptoms. However, face-blind people often suffer from a certain degree of social insecurity and feel uncomfortable in large crowds because they do not recognize familiar … Associated symptoms | Face Blindness

Prognosis | Face Blindness

Prognosis Face blindness cannot be cured, but it remains stable for a lifetime and usually does not worsen. By means of individual compensation strategies, most of those affected therefore have a completely normal life and are hardly restricted by their disorder. Only in the rarest cases is prosopagnosia diagnosed at all. Only patients who have … Prognosis | Face Blindness