Necrosis of the femoral head in children | Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis

Necrosis of the femoral head in children Necrosis of the femoral head can also occur in childhood. In contrast to the adult variant, the disease known as Perthes disease has the major difference that the process of destruction of the hip joint in children is reversible, as reversible. The disease progresses in children in 4 … Necrosis of the femoral head in children | Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis

Physiotherapy for hip pain

Hip pain can have many causes. Worn out joint cartilage – arthrosis, trapped structures – impingement, inflammation, overstrain, leg axis malposition, too weak muscles, bursitis and other diseases painfully restrict the joint with every step. Various physiotherapy measures alleviate the symptoms, but it is important to work on the cause in order to achieve long-term … Physiotherapy for hip pain

Morbus Perthes – Exercises

The exercises performed in Perthes disease are very important because they help maintain the mobility of the joint. Regular exercise can maintain the activity of muscles, tendons and ligaments, thus stimulating the metabolism of the joint and accelerating regeneration. Depending on the patient and the stage of the disease, the individual exercises can vary, so … Morbus Perthes – Exercises