Diagnostics | Snapping hip

Diagnostics The diagnosis of snapping hip or coxa saltans can be made by a clinical examination of the patient. The hip is moved by the examiner until the symptoms appear. A palpation of the hip region is also necessary in order not to overlook an accompanying bursitis at the hip (Bursitis subcutanea trochanterica). In this … Diagnostics | Snapping hip

Thigh bone (femur)

Synonyms Femoral neck, hip joint, knee joint, femoral condyle, trochlea, caput femoris, femoral head, femoral head Anatomy The thigh bone (femur) is the largest bone in the human body. Like the shinbone and fibula, it is a tubular bone. This means it consists of a hard mantle (compacta) and a soft cavity filled with blood … Thigh bone (femur)