Pain during ovulation

Introduction Many women suffer from pain during ovulation. It is estimated that up to 40% are affected. Although the phenomenon is widely known, the cause has not yet been conclusively clarified! The range of possible pain is very wide: it ranges from a ” light pulling” to severe abdominal cramps. Causes of pain Often the … Pain during ovulation

Luteinizing Hormone: Function & Diseases

LH, luteinizing hormone, is responsible for the formation and release of sex hormones in both men and women. It also regulates the monthly menstrual cycle in women. It is also known as lutropin and luteotropin. What is luteinizing hormone? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the endocrine (hormone) system. Click to enlarge. Luteinizing … Luteinizing Hormone: Function & Diseases

Is the desire for intimacy affected by a vasectomy? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Is the desire for intimacy affected by a vasectomy? The desire for intimacy does not suffer from the vasectomy procedure. The production of the male sex hormone testosterone is not affected and the function of the testicles remains intact. Also, the ejaculate hardly differs from the ejaculate before the procedure, as the sperm make up … Is the desire for intimacy affected by a vasectomy? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Introduction Vasectomy is the sterilization of the man and is also called vasoresection in professional circles. Vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that prevents the sperm produced in the testicles from entering the seminal fluid (ejaculate) by cutting the vas deferens. The sperm, which are still produced after the vasectomy, are broken down by the … Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Can a vasectomy also be performed on an outpatient basis? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Can a vasectomy also be performed on an outpatient basis? As a rule, the vasectomy is performed on an outpatient basis, as it is only a minor procedure. It can be performed in a urological practice or in the outpatient department of a hospital. It is advisable to have an accompanying person for the journey … Can a vasectomy also be performed on an outpatient basis? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Preparation of the vasectomy | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Preparation of the vasectomy The preparation includes above all a very detailed consultation with the specialist. The man who has the desire to have a vasectomy is informed in detail about the procedure and all possible risks and after-effects are explained. Often the decision to have a vasectomy is made jointly by couples who no … Preparation of the vasectomy | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

What side effects and complications can occur with vasectomy? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

What side effects and complications can occur with vasectomy? Since it is only a minor procedure, there are usually very few side effects and complications. The wounds of the testicles can cause pain, but this usually goes away by itself after a few days. In rare cases, wound healing disorders such as post-bleeding, wound infections … What side effects and complications can occur with vasectomy? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

How safe is the result after a vasectomy? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

How safe is the result after a vasectomy? The probability that fertility is still present after a vasectomy is between 0.1 and 0.15%. Immediately after the procedure, other methods of contraception cannot be abandoned because the sperm remain in the spermatic cord for weeks or months. Only after several weeks and repeated proof that there … How safe is the result after a vasectomy? | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

What can you do yourself to trigger ovulation naturally? | How can you trigger ovulation?

What can you do yourself to trigger ovulation naturally? Besides medicines and herbal remedies, you can also take measures yourself which can at least make the cycle more regular. Once you have a regular cycle, you can determine the time of ovulation relatively precisely using the calendar method or by measuring the basal body temperature … What can you do yourself to trigger ovulation naturally? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Which home remedies can be used as a support? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Which home remedies can be used as a support? A tea made from tear grass seeds can help trigger ovulation. The effect is scientifically but not yet proven. Furthermore, a tea mixture of raspberry leaves, sage, rosemary, mugwort and elderflower can have a supporting effect. Homeopathy Most homeopathic preparations are said to help with cycle … Which home remedies can be used as a support? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Acceleration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Acceleration corresponds to a somatic or psychological acceleration of development. In addition to individual accelerations, secular accelerations also occur, in which an entire generation is subject to accelerated development due to environmental influences. Physical accelerations are associated primarily with postural deformities. What is acceleration? In terms of sexuality, early onset of puberty in particular refers … Acceleration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases