Preparation of the vasectomy | Vasectomy – The sterilization of the man

Preparation of the vasectomy

The preparation includes above all a very detailed consultation with the specialist. The man who has the desire to have a vasectomy is informed in detail about the procedure and all possible risks and after-effects are explained. Often the decision to have a vasectomy is made jointly by couples who no longer wish to have children or have completed their child planning or generally do not wish to have children.

What to consider after vasectomy

In order to protect the testicles and their wounds after the procedure, a few days are usually sufficient in which the man should take it easy and not become sexually active. In some cases it is useful to wear a testicle protector during this time. In the first few months after the procedure, there may still be fertile sperm in the man’s sperm, so an additional method of contraception should be used during this time.

To monitor the success of the vasectomy, the sperm fluid is regularly checked for fertile sperm 2 to 3 months after the procedure, a so-called spermiogram. As a rule, the sperm contains up to 20 ejaculations of fertile sperm. In addition, in the first few months after the vas deferens have been severed, the ends of the vas deferens may reconnect. This is another reason why the seminal fluid should be checked for sperm during this time. A so-called recanalization can still occur several years after the vasectomy.

How long is one incapacitated after a vasectomy?

If there are no complications, you can start working again after only two days. Sports activities should be avoided for about one to two weeks. Depending on how you feel, you can then start exercising again. In case of complications, especially epididymitis, you must take a much longer break from sports and work.

What are the costs of a vasectomy?

Since in most cases a vasectomy is not an intervention of medical necessity, the costs are generally not covered by statutory or private health insurance. The patient has to bear the costs himself, which amount to a total of about 300 to 600 Euros. Depending on the type of anesthesia and the practice where the procedure is performed, these figures may vary. It should be clarified beforehand whether the stated costs refer only to the procedure itself or whether the consultation in advance and the subsequent follow-up care are also included.