What is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is an infectious disease transmitted by a certain type of salmonella. It occurs mainly in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia and can cause symptoms only months after transmission. At first, typhoid fever leads to long-lasting constipation and fever. Later, typical reddening of the abdominal skin, thinning of the bowel movements and a … What is typhoid fever?

How contagious is typhoid fever? | What is typhoid fever?

How contagious is typhoid fever? Typhoid fever is an infectious disease that leads to typical symptoms when infected. Infection occurs either by direct route from person to person or indirectly, for example through contaminated drinking water. In the case of a direct route, infection occurs through the excretion of salmonella in the stool. This begins … How contagious is typhoid fever? | What is typhoid fever?

I recognize typhoid fever by these symptoms | What is typhoid fever?

I recognize typhoid fever by these symptoms Typical for typhoid fever is that the symptoms appear in different stages and change depending on the stage. They usually appear after 1-3 weeks. In the first stage, constipation and a slow development of fever initially occur. In addition, abdominal pain, headaches and disturbances of consciousness are common. … I recognize typhoid fever by these symptoms | What is typhoid fever?


Synonyms Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Human Herpes Virus 5 (HHV 5), Cytomegaly, CytomegalyThe cytomegalovirus is a virus of the herpes virus family, more precisely the ? herpes viruses. It contains a double-stranded DNA surrounded by an icosahedral (with 20 surfaces) protein capsule (capsid). Around this capsid, there is another virus envelope, which is made … Cytomegalovirus

Therapy | Cytomegalovirus

Therapy Since the disease occurs in immunocompetent individuals only in a very small percentage, treatment is generally not necessary.If symptoms do occur, it is usually sufficient to treat only these. The situation is different for immunocompromised persons: here, antivirals such as ganciclovir and foscarnet are used. Aciclovir has proven to be less effective. If there … Therapy | Cytomegalovirus

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies against a common cold

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? The type of application, as well as the extent to which the home remedies are used, depends on the symptoms and the home remedy used. Most household remedies become harmful only after a massive application. Drinking tea for colds, for example, has hardly any … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies against a common cold

Which homeopathics can help me? | Household remedies against a common cold

Which homeopathics can help me? There are several homeopathic remedies that can help with a cold. We have written a special article for this area: “Homeopathy for colds”. This includes Apis, for example. It is mainly used to combat inflammation of the body and can be used, for example, to treat irritation of the mucous … Which homeopathics can help me? | Household remedies against a common cold

Therapy | West Nile Fever

Therapy The therapy is symptomatic. This means that the individual symptoms, such as fever or aching limbs, are treated. The actual cause, the virus, is not treated because there is no medication against the virus. A specific drug is being searched for in research. Since it is a viral disease, antibiotics cannot be used for … Therapy | West Nile Fever