Sheep Milk: Intolerance & Allergy

The milk of sheep is also called sheep’s milk or sheep’s milk. It is now mainly used to make cheese or yogurt. Here’s what you should know about sheep’s milk Sheep milk is similar in composition to cow’s milk. However, sheep’s milk contains more vitamins A, D, E, B6, B12 and C. It also contains … Sheep Milk: Intolerance & Allergy


Products Medicinal products containing fig extract are commercially available in many countries as syrup (fig syrup) and in tablet form (e.g., Zeller fig syrup, tablets), among others. Fig preparations often also contain senna. Stem plant Fig tree, L. from the mulberry family. Medicinal drug The fruits are used as a medicinal raw material (fig, Caricae … Fig

Constipation: Causes, Treatment & Help

Constipation (also constipation) is a well-known and common symptom. The main characteristic of constipation is difficult bowel movements. Bowel movements are usually delayed or irregular, and their consistency is usually hard or hardened. What is constipation? The main characteristic of constipation is difficult bowel movements. Bowel movements are usually delayed or irregular. Constipation is usually … Constipation: Causes, Treatment & Help

Meadow Grass Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Meadow grass dermatitis (dermatitis protensis, photodermatitis) is a skin inflammation caused due to certain extracts in plants and subsequent exposure to sunlight, which leads to severe pigmentation after healing. What is meadow grass dermatitis? Meadow grass dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition and occurs primarily in spring through fall. Most often, contact with certain plants … Meadow Grass Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment