Compression bandage for the arm | Compression bandage

Compression bandage for the arm

The arm can also be fitted with a compression bandage according to the principles described above. This is particularly common in cases of lymphatic drainage disorders in the arm area. Such a disturbance can occur, for example, after surgical removal of the axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. However, arm vein thromboses are also not uncommon and a primary indication for compression therapy. After an initial period of familiarization, specially adapted compression sleeves for the arm can also be prescribed, which are more practical to put on and take off in everyday life.

Compression bandage for the leg

Indications Compression bandages on the leg are used for numerous clinical pictures. The most important indication for therapy with the aid of a compression bandage is chronic venous insufficiency, in which blood can no longer drain properly from the legs. Compression therapy is also the treatment of choice for leg vein thrombosis, varicose veins and pronounced lymphedema. Contraindications On the other hand, it should not be used, for example, in advanced peripheral arterial occlusive diseases (PAD) or a very weak heart (decompensated heart failure). A heart attack or weeping wounds also rule out the use of a compression bandage.

Compression bandage for thrombosis

If a blood clot causes a vein to close, this results in a thrombosis. The skin is reddened, very warm and tense, and may also become discolored. Water retention can occur.

In addition to drug treatment of such an event, compression therapy with compression bandages or stockings is recommended in the following. The pressure built up from the outside constricts the vessels, which increases the speed of the blood flow. If such a compression bandage is combined with sufficient movement and short standing and sitting times, future thrombotic events can be effectively prevented.