History | Physiotherapy and Scheuermann’s disease

History The course of Scheuermann’s disease cannot be predicted exactly. Particularly when the spine is still growing, the disease can lead to the development of the typical wedge-shaped vertebrae, which lead to a curvature of the spine if not treated in time. Since the disease often develops over a long period of time, in many … History | Physiotherapy and Scheuermann’s disease

Final stage | Physiotherapy and Scheuermann’s disease

Final stage The final stage of Scheuermann’s disease is when the spinal column has reached its final deformation due to the vertebral malformations. It is the last of a total of 3 stages that are passed through in the course of the disease. Scheuermann’s disease is then mainly associated with restricted movement, visual irregularity and … Final stage | Physiotherapy and Scheuermann’s disease

Pleural mesothelioma

Introduction Pleural mesothelioma is a medical term for cancer in the chest cavity after several years of breathing in asbestos. It affects the pleura, i.e. the lung skin, and describes a mostly malignant tumor of the cell layer lining the chest cavity. It is the most common type of cancer caused by asbestos damage in … Pleural mesothelioma