Painful finger joints

Introduction Pain in the finger joint can have many different causes. The pain can be the result of a traumatic injury or it can be of chronic origin. To have pain in the finger joint, the bone does not necessarily have to be affected. Depending on the age group, different injuries are predominant. Causes The … Painful finger joints

Painful finger joints during pregnancy | Painful finger joints

Painful finger joints during pregnancy During pregnancy various reasons can lead to joint problems. For example, water retention from the 4th month of pregnancy onwards can cause joint problems. Then, especially at night, there are complaints such as pain and numbness. The pain is caused by water retention in a ligament structure on the wrist, … Painful finger joints during pregnancy | Painful finger joints

Causes of finger arthrosis

Arthrosis occurs as a degenerative, non-inflammatory disease of the joints, especially in older age. Affected is the joint cartilage, which is damaged by overstrain in the course of life and eventually causes complaints. Increased stress conditions of a joint section, such as those that occur with overweight and one-sided stress in the case of joint … Causes of finger arthrosis