Lifting nodules

DEFINITION Liverden nodules are cartilaginous structures that grow on the finger joints in the course of a so-called Liverden arthrosis. As a rule, the lifted nodules occur at the so-called distal finger joints, i.e. the joints between the last two phalanges. They consist of a mixture of bone and cartilage and usually grow on the … Lifting nodules

DIAGNOSIS – how can it be diagnosed? | Lifting nodules

DIAGNOSIS – how can it be diagnosed? In the case of the Heberden nodules, one speaks of a classical gaze diagnosis. The diagnosis of Heberden’s nodules can be made solely on the basis of the appearance of the affected finger joints. However, whether or not there is actually a Heberden’s arthrosis must be verified with … DIAGNOSIS – how can it be diagnosed? | Lifting nodules

Symptoms of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Symptoms of finger arthrosis The symptoms of finger arthrosis are primarily manifested by pain in the affected finger joints and a restriction of movement. Typical for the pain is that it occurs after a longer period of immobilization in the joint, for example during the night, and is a kind of starting pain during the … Symptoms of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Therapy of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Therapy of finger arthrosis In the case of finger arthrosis, the main focus is on symptom-oriented treatment. This consists of pain medication in the form of tablets and, if necessary, the local application of cortisone applied to the diseased joint space. The symptoms of arthrosis can be additionally alleviated with physical therapy and physiotherapy, which … Therapy of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Treatment of finger arthrosis

Synonyms Arthrosis of the finger joints, polyarthrosis of the finger joints, arthrosis of the end of the finger joint, arthrosis of the middle finger joint, polyarthrosis, polyarthrosis, arthrosis of the finger joints Medical: Liverden arthrosis, Bouchard arthrosis Drug therapy (conservative form of therapy) Natural remedy, especially the devil’s claw is to be called here. The … Treatment of finger arthrosis

Which doctor treats finger arthrosis? | Treatment of finger arthrosis

Which doctor treats finger arthrosis? First of all, in case of joint complaints, the family doctor in charge can be consulted, who can classify the complaints and possibly start a therapy. In most cases, a referral to a specialist is then made. This specialist is usually an orthopaedic surgeon who then completes the clinical examination … Which doctor treats finger arthrosis? | Treatment of finger arthrosis

Bouchard Arthrosis

What is Bouchard arthrosis Bouchard arthrosis is a degenerative disease of the anterior finger joints, also known as proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP). It usually occurs as a result of many years of wear and tear of the joints due to incorrect loading and is therefore more common, especially in older people. Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory … Bouchard Arthrosis