
Definition- What is a bump on the gums? A bump on the gums may have developed unnoticed over a longer period of time and may be noticed by the patient only late or may occur acutely after an injury or previous dental treatment. Inflammatory processes can also cause the gums to swell and bumps or … Gumboil

Associated symptoms | Gumboil

Associated symptoms An acutely inflamed bump on the gums can often cause severe pain and pressure in this area. If the inflammation spreads further, the bump can become significantly larger and fever can also develop. An unpleasant smell or bad taste in the mouth is not uncommon and gum bleeding can occur more often when … Associated symptoms | Gumboil

Treatment | Gumboil

Treatment A bump on the gums is diagnosed by the dentist, and an X-ray can also be helpful. A boil is an inflammatory process caused by bacteria and is often initially treated with an antibiotic (e.g. Amoxicillin® or Clindamycin®). The inflammation in this area creates an acidic environment and the anesthesia cannot work. A painless … Treatment | Gumboil

Acne inversa

Synonyms: Hidradenitis suppurativa, Pyodermia fistulans sinifica, Acne tetrade English: acne inversa, hidradenitis suppurativaAkne inversa is a skin disease that mainly affects areas with many sweat glands. These include especially the armpits, the skin under the breasts, the inside of the thighs, the groin and genital region. In these areas, acne inversa can lead to chronic … Acne inversa

Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Definition – What is a bleeding navel? A bleeding navel means that blood is leaking from the navel itself or the surrounding skin. The symptom is usually caused by an inflammation, which mainly affects newborns, but can also occur in adults. A bleeding bellybutton should lead to a medical examination, as treatment with an antibiotic … Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms Most often a bleeding navel is accompanied by the symptom pain. This can be caused either by an injury or an inflammatory reaction. If an inflammation is the cause of the navel bleeding, the accompanying symptoms can also include redness, overheating and swelling in this area. In addition to blood, pus can also … Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

How long does the bleeding last? | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

How long does the bleeding last? How long it lasts when it bleeds from the navel can vary greatly. In some cases, a drop of blood only emerges from a small wound for a short time. This can be due to a scratched insect bite, for example. In such a case, the bleeding usually stops … How long does the bleeding last? | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?