Therapy | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Therapy If one notices that an inflammation is present or is approaching, one should pay attention to a very good hygienic care of the piercing as soon as possible. If lack of care was the reason for the coming inflammation, a full inflammatory reaction can be averted under certain circumstances. But also in case of … Therapy | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

What do I need to see the doctor? | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

What do I need to see the doctor? An inflamed navel piercing can be treated independently at first on a trial basis, as described above for example with consequent antiseptic cleaning and antibiotic cream. If the inflammation persists or the symptoms get worse, however at the latest after five to seven days either the family … What do I need to see the doctor? | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Diagnosis A diagnosis of an inflammation of the navel piercing can be made already by external viewing and examination. For this purpose the classical signs of an inflammation should be observed. If it is a longer existing or more difficult inflammation, often the blood values are also changed. However, since an inflammation on the navel … Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel Characteristically, the skin around the navel is reddened, overheated, as well as swollen and partially torn. In addition to the redness and swelling, secretion of secretions is also one of the typical features of an inflammation of the navel. The secretion has a strong unpleasant smell and is … Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button | Adult navel inflammation

Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button It usually helps to let a lot of air get to the inflamed navel. The aim is to dry out the area, as the bacteria that cause the inflammation prefer a moist environment, which is taken away from them. Furthermore, the area should be well disinfected and … Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button | Adult navel inflammation

Complications of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Complications of an inflammation of the navel One of the most important complications of an inflammation of the navel is blood poisoning (sepsis). Signs of blood poisoning can include high fever, increased heart rate, and increased breathing. Besides blood poisoning, peritonitis can also occur, which is very dangerous. Furthermore, it is possible that surrounding tissue … Complications of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Definition – What is a bleeding navel? A bleeding navel means that blood is leaking from the navel itself or the surrounding skin. The symptom is usually caused by an inflammation, which mainly affects newborns, but can also occur in adults. A bleeding bellybutton should lead to a medical examination, as treatment with an antibiotic … Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms Most often a bleeding navel is accompanied by the symptom pain. This can be caused either by an injury or an inflammatory reaction. If an inflammation is the cause of the navel bleeding, the accompanying symptoms can also include redness, overheating and swelling in this area. In addition to blood, pus can also … Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

How long does the bleeding last? | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

How long does the bleeding last? How long it lasts when it bleeds from the navel can vary greatly. In some cases, a drop of blood only emerges from a small wound for a short time. This can be due to a scratched insect bite, for example. In such a case, the bleeding usually stops … How long does the bleeding last? | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?