Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms

Most often a bleeding navel is accompanied by the symptom pain. This can be caused either by an injury or an inflammatory reaction. If an inflammation is the cause of the navel bleeding, the accompanying symptoms can also include redness, overheating and swelling in this area.

In addition to blood, pus can also leak out, which then leads to a usually very bad smell from the navel. Should fever or chills be the accompanying symptoms, they can be the warning signs of a beginning blood poisoning and a doctor should be consulted immediately. Pus is caused by a bacterial inflammation, which is often also the cause when it bleeds from the navel.

It is a yellowish or whitish secretion, which consists among other things of killed bacteria and defence cells. If blood and pus come out of the navel, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. As a rule, treatment with antibiotics is necessary.

In some cases, a smear is also taken and sent to a microbiological laboratory for examination in order to determine the exact nature of the pathogen and to determine a suitable agent. An abscess is an encapsulated purulent inflammation. It can develop on various organs as well as the skin.

At the navel, for example, it can develop as a result of an inflamed hair root. If an abscess bleeds at the navel, this can be an indication that the abscess has burst open. In addition to blood, malodorous pus then usually emerges.

The navel should be carefully washed with running water and then disinfected. If blood or pus continues to leak, a doctor should be consulted. The same applies if there is an abscess that does not open on its own.

This can be recognised by a painful bulge through which pus may shine. A fistula is a connecting passage in the body, for example from an internal organ to the surface of the body. Among other things, fistula ducts of various origins can open at or in the navel.

Bacteria can enter these ducts, which can lead to an inflammatory reaction. As a result, the fistula can bleed from the navel. In such a case a doctor should be consulted.

In most cases, treatment of the inflammation with antibiotics and possibly surgical removal of the fistula is necessary. If it bleeds and smells from the navel, in most cases an inflammation is the cause. Particularly in overweight people with large abdominal folds and a deep-lying navel, these are ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply, which penetrate through the smallest skin injuries and cause an infection.

A bleeding belly button in combination with stench should be medically examined and treated. In order to prevent a renewed inflammation after a successful therapy, thorough hygiene in the area of the navel is particularly important. A bleeding navel also causes pain in most cases.

The most common cause is an inflammation, where pain is one of the typical symptoms. If the navel bleeds, this indicates a severe inflammation, which should be examined and treated by a doctor. However, if the navel bleeds in connection with pain, this can also indicate an injury, for example due to a navel piercing.

Even if this has been going on for a long time, tension or pressure can injure the skin, causing it to bleed and cause pain. The piercing must be removed as long as an injury or irritation at the navel is not completely healed. If the cause was recognized and treated, the complaints also decrease again. If the pain is severe, the short-term use of an analgesic medication can be considered.