Diagnosis of pain on the inner side of the foot | Pain in the foot on the inside

Diagnosis of pain on the inner side of the foot An anamnesis – i.e. asking the doctor about the cause of the accident, onset of symptoms, progression, accompanying symptoms and much more – is important to narrow down possible causes of the pain.For example, if the pain occurred after an accident or a sports injury, … Diagnosis of pain on the inner side of the foot | Pain in the foot on the inside

Heel spur what is it?

Synonyms calcaneus spur, calcaneus spur, lower heel spur, upper heel spur, dorsal heel spur, fasciitis plantaris Definition heel spur what is it? A heel spur is generally understood to be a bony outgrowth that occurs in the area of the foot and can lead to severe discomfort when walking and even at rest. In principle, … Heel spur what is it?

Snap Foot

Pes valgus is a pathological malposition of the foot. The inner (medial) edge of the foot is lowered, while the outer (lateral) edge of the foot is raised. In addition, the heel is in an X-position, i.e. the heel appears bent outwards at the ankle. The kinked foot often occurs in combination with a flat … Snap Foot

Symptoms | Snap Foot

Symptoms As a rule, patients with a fallen arches have no symptoms. In a few cases, a massively pronounced kinked foot can lead to an incarceration at the calcaneus and then cause massive pain in the area of the outer ankle. If a clubfoot occurs at an advanced age, arthrosis can develop which leads to … Symptoms | Snap Foot

Prognosis | Snap Foot

Prognosis As a rule, a kinked foot has a very good prognosis. Often there are hardly any symptoms and complaints even in adults, so that a therapy is not absolutely necessary. With special orthopedic insoles, physiotherapy, weight reduction and the right footwear, any complaints that arise can be treated very well. Even a child’s twisted … Prognosis | Snap Foot

Summary | Snap Foot

Summary The kinked foot is a malpositioning of the foot which, if untreated and if pronounced, can lead to malpositioning of the entire leg. Up to the age of 8 to 10 years, however, this form of foot malposition is completely normal and does not require any treatment. If, however, the foot has not yet … Summary | Snap Foot

Insoles for flat feet

Mild flat feet can be treated very well with specially designed insoles. The insoles should primarily support the longitudinal arch, which is unstable and sinks in patients with flat feet. In addition, the foot muscles that support the longitudinal arch are activated. Today, there is a wide range of different insoles available. They differ mainly … Insoles for flat feet


The flat foot (lat. Pes planus) is a congenital or acquired foot malposition, which occurs very frequently. In this case, the longitudinal arch of the foot (from the heel to the ball of the forefoot) sinks due to a weakness of the foot support system. This can cause the heel or forefoot to tilt towards … Flatfoot