X-ray image of the lumbar spine | Vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis

X-ray image of the lumbar spine On the left the original x-ray image, on the right the image with the vertebral body red traced. X-ray image with vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis On the left, the original X-ray image with vertebral body fracture, on the right, the image with the vertebral body traced in red. … X-ray image of the lumbar spine | Vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis

Diagnosis of a vertebral fracture

As always, the physical examination of a fractured vertebra is the first step in any diagnosis. A vertebral fracture can almost invariably trigger pressure and knocking pains. An examination of spinal mobility should not be carried out at first, in order not to provoke fragment displacement in unstable fractures. An orienting neurological examination (sensitivity, arbitrary … Diagnosis of a vertebral fracture