X-ray image of the lumbar spine | Vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis

X-ray image of the lumbar spine

On the left the original x-ray image, on the right the image with the vertebral body red traced.

X-ray image with vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis

On the left, the original X-ray image with vertebral body fracture, on the right, the image with the vertebral body traced in red.


The osteoporotic vertebral body fracture is a common disease of the aging person. It is a fracture due to the smallest mechanical impact on very soft bone. This leads to a collapse of the front edge of the vertebral body, resulting in a wedge-shaped vertebral body.

Since the trailing edge is usually not affected, neurological failures are not to be expected.In addition to pain, there is a loss of height and thus a decrease in the patient’s height. In addition, mobility is usually limited. The therapy consists primarily of sufficient pain medication, the adjustment of an orthopedic support apparatus and early mobilization to prevent further bone fractures. In order to treat osteoporosis itself, lifelong drug therapy is necessary.