Floaters in the Eye: Causes, Treatment

Vitreous opacity: Description Many people suffer from vitreous opacities in the eye and the associated “mouches volantes”. The cause is a natural aging process. About two thirds of the 65- to 85-year-olds complain about corresponding complaints. But younger people can also be affected, especially if they are severely nearsighted. What is the vitreous body? The … Floaters in the Eye: Causes, Treatment

Mouches Volantes

Symptoms Mouches volantes (“flying flies,” “flying gnats”) are small, gray, translucent, and blurry opacities in the visual field that look like spots, threads, or dots. They are mainly subjectively visible against a bright and white background and float by with a delay when the eyes are moved. These vitreous opacities can be considered bothersome. They … Mouches Volantes