Mediastinitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mediastinitis is inflammation of the mediastinum. Acute mediastinitis usually results from perforation of the esophagus or after heart surgery (median sternotomy). Symptoms include severe chest pain, shortness of breath, and fever. Mediastinitis is treated with antibiotics or by surgical intervention. What is mediastinitis? If the mediastinum – the tissue space in which all the organs … Mediastinitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Medication in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time, in which the expectant mothers have to change in many ways. Even the use of medication during pregnancy should be reconsidered. Whereas in the past it was normal to reach for a painkiller when a headache arose, nowadays mothers-to-be should study the package insert very carefully before taking … Medication in Pregnancy

Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nerve conduction is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses at a specific rate to both directions of conduction. Conduction occurs via action potentials in salvatory excitatory conduction. In diseases such as polyneuropathy, nerve conduction is impaired. What is nerve conduction? Nerve conductance is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses … Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Vitamin B6: Function & Diseases

Vitamin B6 bears the name pyridoxine and is water-soluble. Vitamin B6, with its components pyridoxol, pyridoxal as well as pyridoxamine, assumes its tasks as a starting substance in metabolism, especially for the formation of coenzymes. Mode of action of vitamin B6 With a balanced diet, the need for vitamin B6 can be easily met, as … Vitamin B6: Function & Diseases

Three-limb Thumb Polysyndactyly Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Three-limbed thumb polysyndactyly syndrome is characterized by multimemberedness of the thumb, often associated with syndactyly and multimemberedness of the toes. The malformation syndrome arises on the basis of a genetic mutation and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, with expressivity subject to variability. Patients are treated by surgical amputation. What is three-limb thumb polysyndactyly … Three-limb Thumb Polysyndactyly Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cupping: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The application of cupping for the treatment of diseases already knew the doctors of antiquity (Egypt, Mesopotamia). In traditional Chinese medicine, cupping has been used for thousands of years. According to the ancient theory of juices, the body fluids get out of balance due to diseases and must be rebalanced with the help of cupping. … Cupping: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Maternity leave

What is maternity leave? Maternity protection is a law that is intended to protect the working mother and her child during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A goal of the maternity protection law is it to preserve the health of nut/mother and child and to prevent vocational disadvantage, which would possibly develop by the pregnancy. Women under … Maternity leave