Swelling of the ethmoidal cells | Ethmoidal cells

Swelling of the ethmoidal cells In a healthy state, particles and germs in the mucus are transported by the cell movement, the cilia beat, towards the exit (ostium, ostiomeatal unit). During an inflammation of the ethmoid cells (sinusitis ethmoidalis) the mucosa (respiratory ciliated epithelium) of the ethmoid cells can swell. This swelling can close the … Swelling of the ethmoidal cells | Ethmoidal cells

Gingival Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gingival hyperplasia is a growth of the gums. It belongs to the group of periodontal diseases. What is gingival hyperplasia? Gingival hyperplasia is a growth of the gums. It is classified in the group of periodontal diseases (periodontopathies). The term gingival hyperplasia is composed of the Latin terms “gingiva” (gums) and “hyperplasia” (excessive formation of … Gingival Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cross Allergy

Definition A cross-allergy is a form of allergic reaction. In an allergic reaction, certain antibodies (IgE antibodies) react to an allergen (for example pollen) and an allergic reaction occurs, for example in the form of a skin rash or irritation of the mucous membranes with itchy eyes and increased sneezing. In the case of a … Cross Allergy

Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Diagnosis The anamnesis is very important for the diagnosis. It is very helpful if the patient already keeps a (nutritional) diary in which he/she writes down which food has been eaten or which substances have been in contact with which allergic reaction. Based on this, the treating physician can carry out the allergy test. There … Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Duration | Cross Allergy

Duration As described above, there are cross-allergies that are seasonal and occur mainly in spring and autumn. With all other forms of cross-allergy, however, the following applies: once a sensitization has taken place, the allergy usually persists. Its degree of development can change, but it rarely disappears completely. Therapeutically, hyposensitization can be used to achieve … Duration | Cross Allergy

Myosin: Function & Diseases

Myosin belongs to the motor proteins and is responsible, among other things, for the processes involved in muscle contraction. There are several types of myosins, all of which participate in transport processes of cell organelles or in displacements within the cytoskeleton. Structural abnormalities in the molecular structure of myosin can be causes of muscle diseases … Myosin: Function & Diseases

Pulse Oximetry: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Pulse oximetry uses a noninvasive, photometric method to determine the oxygen saturation of arterial blood by attaching a clip containing infrared light sources and a receiver to the patient’s skin. This clip determines the light absorption of the blood based on the fluoroscopy rate and, when converted to blood oxygen saturation, takes advantage of the … Pulse Oximetry: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore throat is one of the unpleasant side effects of a cold – it often announces the onset of a cold. The pain, which occurs mainly when swallowing, ranges from mild scratching to very unpleasant discomfort. Sore throat due to a throat infection is usually accompanied by swollen mucous membranes, difficulty swallowing and a dry … Home Remedies for Sore Throat


Synonyms in the broadest sense mumps, parotitis epidemica Definition Mumps is caused by the mumps virus, which belongs to the group of paramyxoviruses. The acute, highly infectious (=contagious) viral disease is transmitted by droplet infection through direct contact or contact through saliva-contaminated objects from the diseased person. The main symptom is a painful inflammation of … Mumps