
Pedicure (from Latin pes, pedis = foot) is the cosmetic foot care Manicure (from Latin manus = hand) is the cosmetic hand care Podology (from Greek pous, podos = foot, logos = doctrine) describes the medical foot care. General Foot care is any form of care for the feet, it can be in the form … Pedicure

Medical foot care | Pedicure

Medical foot care Medical foot care should be performed by a trained podiatrist. The training to become a podiatrist takes two years. The training is completed with a state examination. The podiatrist is allowed to perform medical pedicure. The medical pedicure includes a: In-depth discussion of the complaints of the person concerned Cleaning the feet … Medical foot care | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself Many patients want to do their chiropody themselves instead of going to a pedicurist or podiatrist. Even when it comes to corneal removal, many patients prefer home chiropody to professional chiropody. There are some things that should be considered. First of all, it is important that patients who want to do their own … Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care Cosmetic foot care, i.e. pedicure, is not legally protected and can be learned through weekend training. Therefore a cosmetic chiropody may only: There are numerous Beauty and Wellnesstudios, which offer foot care in different extent and price ranges. Health insurance companies do not carry the costs of the cosmetic chiropody in principle. … Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Conclusion | Pedicure

Conclusion Carried out at weekly intervals, the feet look permanently well-groomed. The positive side effect is that you pay more attention to your feet, which have to carry our entire body weight every day. If you take care of your feet regularly, pathological changes such as eczema, athlete’s foot, warts, ingrown toenails or injuries are … Conclusion | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself

Pedicure self-made Cosmetic foot care can also be done at home. Please note that if you have athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails, warts and corns, you should consult a doctor! Diabetics in particular should only perform foot care themselves after training, as the sensitivity to pain in the feet is often impaired by the disease and … Pedicure yourself