Athlete’s Foot

Symptoms Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) usually develops between the toes and manifests as sometimes severe itching, burning, reddening of the skin, white softened, peeling and torn skin, skin blisters and dry skin. The symptoms also occur on the soles of the feet and are accompanied by hyperkeratosis. In the course, a difficult-to-treat nail fungus may … Athlete’s Foot


Products Antifungal products are commercially available as creams, ointments, powders, solutions, tablets, capsules, and injectables, among others. Structure and properties The antifungal agents are a structurally heterogeneous class of agents. However, several groups can be identified within the antifungals, such as the azole antifungals and the allylamines (see below). Effects Antifungals have antifungal, fungistatic, or … Antifungals


Symptoms Impetigo is a highly contagious superficial skin infection observed in two main clinical manifestations. It mainly affects children between 2-6 years of age and infants.In small vesicular (non-bullous) impetigo contagiosa, reddened patches appear that rapidly develop into small vesicles and pustules, break open, and release a cloudy yellowish fluid. This leads to the typical … Impetigo


Products Disinfectants are commercially available in the form of sprays, as solutions, gels, soaps and as soaked swabs, among others. A distinction can be made between products intended for use on humans (skin, mucous membranes) and those intended for objects and surfaces. In addition to medical devices, medicinal products are also approved. These include, for … Disinfectant